Loose Rubber

rubber playground surfacing Playgrounds can be dangerous places. In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) stated that "protective surfacing for playgrounds is the most critical safety factor because approximately 75% of children's injuries are caused by falls." Rubber mulch provides that soft landing pad for kids. In fact, it exceeds CPSC guidelines for safety and resiliency. This loose-fill material creates a surface air cushion that will actually absorb impact and rebound quickly. Rubber mulch is heavier than water therefore it won't blow or wash away. Maintenance is also easy. It can be leveled with a common yard rake, and washed by simply hosing it off. It drains so well that even after a hard rain it is usually ready for play in less than 30 minutes!


Natural American




Rustic Redwood


Coverage Calculator

Use this calculator to determine how much RUBBER MULCH you will need for your project. 

Enter your TOTAL Square Feet

at what DEPTH ?  (Playgrounds should be at least 6")

YOUR Estimate:


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Rubber Mulch is an excellent way to safe-guard your children while playing on a playground. When used as recommended this is a safe, cost effective, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional playground coverings. 99.9% free of all trapped metal and is the best playground mulch available for your child's safety. Manufactured  from 100% recycled tires. We proudly stand behind our rubber mulch products and guarantee their quality with our fast and friendly service.

Why is this Rubber Mulch becoming the most popular choice for covering playgrounds? The answer is simple:

  • Our rubber mulch produces a significant cushion and bounce effect when a child falls on it. These effects make this a much safer ground cover than wood mulch, sand, or pea gravel.
  • Rubber mulch does not need to be replaced every year.
  • Rubber mulch does not splinter or attract termites.
  • Rubber mulch will not grow mold or mildew.
  • Rubber mulch drains water much more efficiently than other ground covers.

Our coloring process has been optimized to ensure that the color of your rubber mulch lasts for years. We combine UV protection, uniquely formulated binders, and specialized pigments to keep the colors of our mulch looking the same as the day it was purchased. All colorings are non-toxic, water-based, and come from an iron-oxide pigment with a 10 year limited color warranty.

To calculate the area of a:

Square or Rectangle

Multiply width in feet by height in feet = total square feet


Divide the diameter feet in half.  Multiply the answer times itself. Multiply the result times 3.1415927 = total square feet


Multiply the base in feet times the height in feet.  Divide the answer by two = total square feet


FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

How Do I Buy It?

Send us an email with some basic information.  Is this for a garden or playground?   What is the size of your playground.  What color are you looking for.  We will guide you from there!

Can I Come Pick It Up?

Probably not.  A 2000 pound super sack isn't something you want in the trunk of your car.  Figure a few of those and you can bust the springs and suspension on your pickup or trailer before the first turn.   We ship nationwide.   Many times people want to pick up product to save the price of shipping.  Any retailer that stocks a product is charging freight to you and simply adding it into the price of the product.   Another problem is having the correct grade and color for you, and the correct quantity.  With over 43,000 zip codes in the USA we probably are going to have the wrong product in the wrong places.  It isn't very economical (or environmentally friendly) to store tons of EVERYTHING, everywhere.   We calculate the best freight rates and get the product to you, cheaper than if we maintained an inventory.  

Does Rubber Mulch Get Hot?

Anything in the sun will get hot.  Rubber mulch will get hot in the sun.  It is no hotter than rock or wood mulch.  Any color will get hot even if it's a lighter color.  The summer sun heats up everything.  The advantage to lose fill rubber mulch is that when you kick the loose fill rubber around, it is cool underneath.  Rubber mulch does not conduct heat.  It will be cool just below the peak.  Keep your shoes on and get out and play. If you are looking to keep your playground cooler, consider a shade cover over your playground.  UV rays are as dangerous and more lasting of an effect than heat alone.

Is One Mulch Cheaper than Another?

Do you mean you are shopping for the cheapest price you can find?   Or do you mean is black cheaper than green?  If you are shopping by price, remember that an apple and an orange usually aren't the same price, either.  There are different grades of rubber mulch available.  Depending on how you are going to use it, yes, one is cheaper than the other.  Right product is the first step, then consider the grade therein.  There are companies selling ground up "we don't know what" and have absolutely no documentation on what they are selling.  Your azaleas probably won't know the difference, but on the playground, safety and quality are most important that shopping by price.  It is NOT OK for the children to play on ground up steel, so a company's process is critical for safety.  Adding colorant to a batch of rubber is safe and non-toxic, but the colorant and process may add to the price.  If you are shopping by price, we won't fault you, we do it too.  Just make sure we look at all of the variables with you and make sure you have the best and correct choices to compare.  

How is Rubber Mulch Shipped?

We work with many independent shippers to help you get the best shipping rate possible. We ship all over the USA at very competitive rates. We usually ship In 2000lb super sacks which are 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep by 6 feet tall on a pallet or in 40lb bags. You may also buy rubber mulch in bulk.  We ship in dump trucks or van trailers which can carry up to 42,000 lbs. Give us a call and we will work with you to best meet your specific needs.

rubber bulk delivery

rubber bulk delivery rubber bulk delivery

Does Rubber Mulch Attract Bugs?
Rubber Mulch does not attract bugs. This is one of the many reasons people are so excited about rubber mulch. Finally there is a ground cover you can purchase with no worries, enhancing the look of your house without attracting termites and other bugs.

Do I Need a Weed Barrier?

What is a weed barrier and where do I get this? Do I need a weed barrier under my rubber mulch?

A weed barrier is a roll of fabric you can purchase at your local harware store or landscape supply.  Just ask the sales associate in the hardware store for landscaping fabric and they will point you in the right direction in the store.

We conditionally recommend putting a weed barrier down for landscaping and playground. You want to place the weed barrier down first and then place your mulch on top of the weed barrier.  This barrier will allow the water to drain and prevent the weeds from growing.  Sometimes you might need to cut the barrier to fit your dimensions. Weed barrier on a playground can cause a tripping hazard.  Consult your playground specialist at DunRite for information on proper installation and how to keep the barrier fabric safer!

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