Playground Equipment

Playground Equipment

Children need places to play while they grow and are full of energy. DunRite's playground equipment provides this opportunity to public, child care, and school play areas for children all over the world. Playground equipment is not only fun for children, but they give parents and/or guardians a safe place for their children to play and be monitored easily.

Our playground equipment is designed to encourage creativity, which in turn will strengthen both a child’s body and mind. Playgrounds in today’s world vary in size. Some playgrounds are built to occupy ten or fifteen children, but some are made to occupy up to 200 children at one time. Not all playground equipment is a big structure though. Parents can purchase single playground equipment pieces like swings, slides, or playhouses for backyard fun on sunny afternoons.

Simple playground equipment in a backyard is easy on parents, because it requires minimal supervision, and children will be free to play and be occupied with endless hours of fun. Today’s playground equipment can encourage children’s imaginations while they play. When a group of children play and have fun, a child’s imagination can turn any piece of playground equipment into anything they want, like a space ship, sports car, or tree house.

Children need this imaginative learning mindset as they grow. Playground equipment is a growing area. Where there used to be simple slides and swings are now multiple slides of all different shapes and sizes, swings, climbers, ladders, bridges, and play houses. DunRite’s playground equipment provides all of this equipment in our catalogs and on our website.

180 Degree Crawl Tunnel

180 Degree Crawl Tunnel

Inclined Crawl Tunnel

Inclined Crawl Tunnel

30 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

30 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

45 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

45 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

60 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

60 Degree Curved Crawl Tunnel

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